It's been such a long time since my last post, I apologize! So much has occurred its overwhelming! Since my last post, Aaron WAS granted 20 days home with me to grieve the loss of Aaron Jr and it was very much needed. It was so very hard for him to suffer the loss of our son and to have not been there to hold him and help me through it. He was then shipped back out to the ship to continue his deployment. I am very happy to say he is returning in just a few days! We plan to try for our baby and hope that all works out for us this time. Since the loss of Aaron Jr I had an HSG test to check my uterus for this "supposed" malformation It came back perfect, no malformation. Which leads us back to the infection and cervix causes of our losses. It has been such a journey of ups and downs! Our next pregnancy we will be having a cerclage and looking into other options of the best route for my pregnancy and our baby.
I am proud to announce that God has healed me and the lack of cycles on my own. Since the loss of Aaron Jr I have had 5 cycles on my own, with ovulation proven. I have never had this! Before my angels I had to take meds to cycle and ovulate so in December and January we will be trying on our own for our miracle baby. Please keep us in your prayers as we are far form over in our journey! This however is our last try. If we suffer another loss with a cerclage we will be using a surrogate. We have a set of dear friends (a married couple) with two gorgeous children who have offered to bless us. We would do IVF and place 2 embryos. Hoping for the best. We hope we will be blessed to carry this next baby on our own and full term. But it brings such peace knowing we have this option should grief find us again. We will know this summer if we will have to go this route. I have never made it past 21 weeks in a pregnancy. So if we make it to 25 weeks we will feel elated and trust that things will work out for the best.
I will update you again in January! Sadly we will not be annoucing our next pregnancy until 25 weeks or should we have another loss. We have decided this due to the sadness of having to make sure everyone knows our loss so we don't have to deal with "how is baby doing?" questions. Yes I will be hiding and concealing a pregnancy til almost the third trimester! We love you and hope your Christmas is blessed! Love, The Poplin Family
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